Monday, June 27, 2005


Posted by Trent Walters at 11:43 AM
Scientific American has links to all things stem cells.

Joel Garreau's new book Radical Evolution, which sounds so enthusiastic as to border on non-Mundane, is reviewed on SciAm.

PhysOrg talks about high-temperature fuel cells, which have "an energy efficiency of over 90 percent" and physiadsorbtion of hydrogen for storage.

Lester Brown gave an excellent speech for City Arts and Lectures, informally discussing his books, Plan B: Rescuing a Planet under Stress and a Civilization in Trouble and Outgrowing the Earth: The Food Security Challenge in an Age of Falling Water Tables and Rising Temperatures. Two important figures he named were that while we take in 4 L of H2O/day, crops need about 2000 L/day; also that for every degree increase in temperature, crops will lose about 10% of its yield due primarily to the pollination period.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why, than you for that
grudging acceptance. At least you read the story. Now buy the book, I can always use the money.

I think my problem is the hyphen. You put it in the wrong place. Rather than 'Mundane science-fiction,' it should be 'Mundane-science fiction'. Science, of course, is much much bigger than the likely -indeed, the unlikeliness of reality lies in the core of physics. Or is this about 'Mundane tech-fiction'?

7/03/2005 04:34:00 AM  

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