Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Science Links

Posted by Trent Walters at 4:47 AM
Eventually, I'll post a page to our website with a bunch of science links that may be of general interest or that may help writers improve the science in their stories. Even if the story isn't Mundane, better science couldn't hurt. Once up, I'll try to remind blog-readers. (I forgot to mention that a week and half ago I put up a page supporting the theoretical underpinnings of the manifesto describing why we chose to play only with certain tropes and hope to spur writers to invent new ones.)

* * *

Parasites galore! (Images and life cycles)

Flight over the South Pole (info and movie of Richard E. Byrd's 1929 flight as well as other Antarctica links)

What's going on in the Arctic?

Carbo Power (narrated slide shows and everything else you ever wanted to know about carbohydrates and much more, much much more)


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