Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Asimov's February 2005

Posted by frankh at 9:40 AM

This is based on the fictionwise etext, which I've been sitting on since late December.

1) Novelette: The 120 Hours of Sodom by Jim Grimsley -- future aliens and/or off-Earth action (but in the background) in an escapist literary story
2) Novelette: Angel Kills by William Sanders -- apparently near future aliens or supernatural
3) Novelette: Polyhedrons by Robert A. Metzger -- hard sf quantum virtual reality or something; I can't find any mundane molecules here but maybe someone else would be braver
4) Novelette: Oxygen Rising by R. Garcia y Robertson -- interstellar with aliens
5) Short Story: The Two Old Women by Kage Baker -- fantasy, supernatural, slipstream? seems like anything but sf
6) Short Story: Parachute Kid by Edd Vick -- time travel
7) Short Story: Dead Men on Vacation by Leslie What -- supernatural

I didn't read any of the stories this time--appears to be a weak issue for mundane sf.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you like, for $30 a month I'll filter out anything that might possibly touch your consciousness that's *not* Mundane SF. That thy vulnerable neurons may not be offended by that which is not mundane.

Lord of Misrule

1/12/2005 07:00:00 PM  

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